Spring break is coming up, and kids always find ways to get rid of pent up winter energy. The holiday can be relaxing for everyone, however, taking basic precautions reduces the risk of injury.
Here are a few tips to help plan for a safe holiday:
Protect against the sun
Nothing ruins a beach day faster than a sunburn. Make sure to apply sunscreen each time your child is exposed to harmful UV rays. Select a high SPF, broad-spectrum formula for long days in the sun. For fun, use colorful sunscreen options to help your kids get into the sunscreen spirit.
Choose clothing made from tightly woven fabric like cotton for additional sun protection, and don’t forget wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses to shield faces and eyelids. Remember, the sun’s rays are the strongest from 10:00am to 4:00pm, so playing in shaded areas during these hours greatly reduces the risk of burn.
Assign a swimming buddy
Assigning your child a swimming buddy adds an extra element of protection against water-related accidents and injury. Even the keenest parent can get distracted, so talk to your children about the safest ways to swim and create a communication plan that ensures rapid responses to sudden crises.
Invest in protective footwear
While feeling the sand between your toes is one great benefit of an ocean vacation, many public beaches contain litter and sharp rocks that could result in injury and ruin a beautiful spring day. Outfitting your child with water-resistant, protective footwear lets them run carefree without the risk of pain, and before you know it, you’ll be soaking up the sun without worry.
Keep allergens away
As spring blooms abound, allergy-prone kids are at a heightened risk for an attack. Before you leave home, make sure you are armed with antihistamines and remember to have your child take necessary medication to keep the allergens away!
Be safe driving
If you’re taking a road trip for the break, driving safety is a must. Parents, take turns behind the wheel. Rotating drivers can keep everyone refreshed and focused on the task at hand. Drive the speed limit and don’t text while driving. Though there is excited about arriving to your destination, remember you have precious cargo in your vehicle!
For additional information, please contact Pediatric Associates of Franklin. We are happy to help ensure your child is safe and protected this spring break and throughout the season.
The information and content on our website should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment or advice from your doctor.