Summer is pool season, and most kids are looking forward to a few months splashing, swimming, and having fun.
But before you let anyone in the pool, lake, or ocean, everyone needs a refresher course on water safety.
Provide Swimming Supervision
Although your child may be a strong swimmer, never let a kid of any age swim unsupervised. Make sure a lifeguard or other adult is always nearby. When babysitters are watching, consider a no-device policy during supervision. One moment of divided attention is all it takes for a water accident or drowning to occur.
Set limits on when the pool will be used. Don’t let a child of any age—even a teenager—swim at night without adequate supervision. Post your family’s pool schedule in a place where everyone can see and reference it daily.
Physically Prepare Your Pool
Your pool should have a fence that’s at least four feet high, and latches or locks should be well out of a child’s reach. To ensure this, they should be as high as (or higher than) the surrounding fence. If you’re building a new fence, keep the gate in full view of your house.
Next, install latches or locks that face the pool on the inside of a gate or fence. Don’t place chairs, tables, or other apparatuses near the gate, since children could easily climb on them to reach the latch. Additionally, equip your pool with an alarm. The one you choose should be loud enough to be heard in all areas of your house. If you’ve never installed latches, fences, or alarms before, contact a professional.
When you aren’t using your pool, remove all toys and inflatable devices. This keeps kids from being tempted to go to the pool area alone and recover the items. Also, remove ladders kept near the pool, and cover it until the next use.
Ensure Safety in Bathtubs and Wading Pools, Too
Despite the small water levels, bathtubs and wading pools can also be dangerous for young children. Stay close by when your kids are using a wading pool, and empty it when not in use. This is important to prevent mosquitoes from breeding near your home, but it also gets rid of a child’s temptation—whether your kids’ or a neighbor’s—to play in water without adult care.
If you’d like to learn more about water safety or have questions, contact us at any time.
The information and content on our website should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment or advice from your doctor.