Updated May 24, 2021
As state economies begin to fully reopen, many families are considering their travel plans. Is it safe to travel on an airplane? How can you minimize the risk of exposure while you’re traveling, visiting attractions, or going to the beach?
Follow these tips as you iron out your family vacation plans.
Understand the Risks Where You Visit
Great news! According to the CDC if you are fully vaccinated, you can now resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic without wearing a mask or physically distancing. Currently, children 12 and older are eligible to receive the vaccine.
Though many states are reopening and the number of people being vaccinated for COVID-19 continues to increase, the risk of contracting COVID-19 while traveling is still present. Those who have not received the vaccine, including young children, should continue to take precautions to avoid COVID-19.
Children can contract and spread COVID-19. Reports of a multi-system inflammatory disorder in children, though rare so far, may still present a danger. To minimize risk, avoid travel to areas where the virus numbers are still high, specifically internationally. Trips to participate in outdoor activities where maintaining social distancing is possible (hiking, beach trips) are safer than trips to crowded attractions (theme parks, museums).
Consider Wearing a Mask If Not Vaccinated
The CDC still recommends that individuals over the age of two who are not fully vaccinated wear a mask. A cloth mask should fit snugly but allow for comfortable breathing without restriction. Be sure to use cloth masks in areas where maintaining social distancing is difficult and in areas with significant community transmission. In some areas of the country, local ordinance may still require the use of nonmedical masks even if you are vaccinated. Some locations may also require visual confirmation of your vaccine card, so remember to keep that with you. Always know the rules of the areas in which you intend to visit.
If using public transportation for a trip, such as an airplane, bus or train, a mask is still required even if you’ve been fully vaccinated. People with weakened immune systems, should talk to their doctor in advance about their activities and travel plans.
To review the CDC’s latest recommendations for travel, click here.
For additional questions talk with your pediatrician at Pediatric Associates of Franklin.
The information and content on our website should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment or advice from your doctor.