Pediatric Care

Diaper Rash

Treating and Preventing Diaper Rash

What Is Diaper Rash? Diaper rash is a very common condition. It develops as a red, splotchy rash to your baby’s bottom or red, scaly skin in or near the genital area. These rashes grow in moist, warm places, making the area under your baby’s diaper the perfect breeding ground. The affected area may be

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Kids GI Problems

GI Issues in Children

It’s not really unusual for kids to complain of tummy troubles of some kind throughout their lives. As a parent, it can be very difficult to determine when it’s just a simple stomachache or something more serious. Most symptoms are not dangerous at first but can cause bigger issues down the road if left untreated.

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Toddler Injury

What to Do When Your Toddler Falls

Your toddler is finally on their feet! It’s an exciting time, but it can also be a scary time for parents. Falling is a natural part of childhood, as children begin to learn to walk and explore their surroundings. Frequent falls occur between the ages of 1 and 3 years and are the most common

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Impetigo Help Franklin TN

What Is Impetigo?

Impetigo is a highly contagious bacterial infection that occurs most commonly in infants and school-age children. It results in blisters or sores on the face and body, especially on the nose, mouth, hands, forearms, and legs, as well as the diaper area in young children. This infection is caused by exposure to either group A

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Breastfeeding Tips

Celebrate National Breastfeeding Month With Us

August National Breastfeeding Month. According to the CDC, 77% of infants were breastfeeding as of 2013, and 49% of those were still breastfeeding at six months. Still, many infants aren’t breastfed as long as doctors recommend. At Pediatric Associates of Franklin, we want to encourage breastfeeding and answer your most pressing questions. How Can I

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Happy and Healthy at Home Contest

We want to know what our families are doing at home to stay happy and healthy! Post a comment, photo or video at the top of our Facebook page (where it says ‘write a post’) letting us know what you’re doing that’s fun and include the hashtag #PAFStrong for a chance to WIN a $100

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Ear Infection Franklin

A Parent’s Guide to Ear Infections

Ear infections in children can be troubling experiences for parents, especially when they occur frequently. They’re also the most common reason children are prescribed antibiotics. Understanding what causes ear infections, how to detect them, and what can be done to cure or prevent them is essential knowledge for every parent. What Causes Ear Infections Ear

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Kindergarten Tips

Make a Family Plan for Kindergarten Readiness

By Katherine R. Harrison, CPNP Kindergarten readiness is simply the next step to school readiness which will eventually lead to career and life readiness. No wonder parents put themselves under so much pressure! The reality is that readiness has less to do with facts and figures and more to do with active engagement and attitudes

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Vaccines Middle TN

How Vaccines Can Save Your Child’s Life

World Immunization Week is the last week of April, and it’s the perfect time to talk about the importance of immunization. In the past 50 years, vaccines have saved more than a billion people and made life better for everyone by preventing more illnesses and disabilities than we can count. Before vaccines, illnesses like polio,

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Healthy Kids Williamson County

8 Ways to Protect Your Family From the Common Cold

Does the thought of winter bring visions of sick days to your mind? The common cold can last for 7-10 days and can quickly spread to other members of the family. When this happens, it can take weeks for the entire family to be healthy again. Avoiding the cold virus is the best thing you

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Dr. Hood - Pediatric Associates of Franklin


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Acetaminophen & Ibuprofen Dosage Charts

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