Resources And Education

Summer Bites and Stings

Warm weather is here, and it seems like everyone wants to play outside – even the bugs. So how can you keep your kids safe from nature’s bites and stings during outdoor games, and what should you do if a bite occurs? Here’s some prevention and treatment tips for the most common bug bites and

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autism franklin tn

Autism With Children

Has a child in your life recently received an autism diagnosis? Whether that child is your own child, the child of a relative, or that of a close friend, it is important to learn what you can about autism spectrum disorders to gain a better understanding of what lies behind the behaviors they may exhibit.

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Sports Safety

Spring Sports Safety Tips for Kids

After a long winter, spring has finally arrived, and that means your kids can get outside and stay active in spring sports! As always, sports safety is a top priority when enrolling your children in athletic activities. Spring sports, like tennis, baseball, soccer, and track and field, require specialized safety precautions. This spring, make sure

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Severe-Weather Franklin TN

Preparing as a Family: Severe Weather Safety Tips

In Tennessee the weather can often be unpredictable, especially during tornado season which peaks March through May. However, storms and tornadoes can happen at any time throughout the year. A weather watch (such as thunderstorm or tornado watch) means that a storm or tornado could develop. A weather warning means that the severe weather has

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Asthma and Children

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that can make the lungs and throat inflamed when one is exposed to a trigger such as pollen or dust. Children and adults alike can suffer from asthma, but children will face problems adults don’t have. Understanding how children can be affected by asthma, and how best to help

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Winter Skin Kids

5 Tips for Battling Dry Skin for Your Child This Winter

When the winter months roll in, we see a major decrease in the humidity in the air, and this translates to dry skin. Children are at particular risk for this condition, as they aren’t always thinking about ways to combat dehydrated, itchy skin. Here are some tips to help children fight dry skin this winter.

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RSV Franklin TN

Understanding Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) In Kids

You may have heard about the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) from a friend, family member or even your pediatrician. But what is RSV? Is it a serious issue? Should you see a doctor or go to the ER if your kid has RSV? Below is a guide to help you better understand RSV. What Is

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Holiday Travel Franklin TN

Safe Journeys: Safety Tips for the Holiday Traveler

The holidays are here, and with them, many families are packing the car and hitting the road. Unfortunately, for every driver on the road, there’s an increase in safety risks. That, coupled with the inclement weather we begin to see this time of year, means families should be extra cautious. Here are a few holiday

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Flu Vaccine Williamson County

Stopping the Spread of the Flu this Fall

Flu season is coming up fast. As the weather starts to get cooler, the number of flu cases starts to rise every year without fail. Waves of illness often hit schools at various times in the year because of poor prevention practices and large student populations. Good health practices such as these prevention tips can

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Flu Clinics

Pediatric Associates of Franklin is pleased to offer FLU Clinics for your children. Flu Clinics to be announced August 2024

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Dr. Carr - Pediatric Associates of Franklin


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