Overall Health

Kindergarten Franklin TN

Getting Ready for Kindergarten in Tennessee

Starting kindergarten is an exciting milestone for both parents and children. It’s the beginning of a new adventure filled with learning, friendships, and growth. As you prepare, it’s important to understand the registration process and ensure your child is ready for this big step. Is Your Child Ready? In Tennessee, children must be five years

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Summer Illness

Common Summer Illnesses to Watch For

Summertime is a time of year when kids truly thrive. They are done with school, and they are ready to be kids. Summer means long days with endless possibilities – making friends, experiencing new activities and creating memories. While the benefits are many, there are some potential risks to look for when it comes to

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autism franklin tn

Autism With Children

Has a child in your life recently received an autism diagnosis? Whether that child is your own child, the child of a relative, or that of a close friend, it is important to learn what you can about autism spectrum disorders to gain a better understanding of what lies behind the behaviors they may exhibit.

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Asthma and Children

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that can make the lungs and throat inflamed when one is exposed to a trigger such as pollen or dust. Children and adults alike can suffer from asthma, but children will face problems adults don’t have. Understanding how children can be affected by asthma, and how best to help

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Winter Skin Kids

5 Tips for Battling Dry Skin for Your Child This Winter

When the winter months roll in, we see a major decrease in the humidity in the air, and this translates to dry skin. Children are at particular risk for this condition, as they aren’t always thinking about ways to combat dehydrated, itchy skin. Here are some tips to help children fight dry skin this winter.

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ADHD Franklin TN

ADHD Awareness

Article by John Boye  Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood condition. Children with ADHD have a difficult time paying attention and can be hyper. Sometimes this can interfere with their behaviors at home, at school and with friends. There is no single test to identify ADHD but having a conversation with your medical provider

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Sleeping in Bed With kids

When to Move Your Toddler to A “Big Kid Bed”

Recent data shows that as many as 24% of parents allow children to sleep in their beds for at least part of the night. Unfortunately, kids are hardwired to crave nighttime proximity to their parents for safety and connection, making new sleeping arrangements a potentially difficult transition. To help parents smoothly transition their child into

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Speech Delay Franklin TN

Speech Development in Kids

Language is something inherently human and one of the first things we learn in life during the early years of childhood. Speech and language take years to fully develop and the first years of a baby are marked by fulminant, exciting milestones. While these milestones are worthy of interest for any parent, each child is

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Oral Health Kids Franklin TN

Oral Health in Children

Oral health is an important aspect of health for all people. However, it is also more overlooked than many other areas of self-care. It can be especially neglected in children, as they often do not understand how serious and important oral health is. In fact, tooth decay is one of the most common health problems

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Staph Infection Kids

How to Treat Staph Infections in Kids

A staph infection is an infection caused by bacteria (staphylococcus) that lives naturally on our skin surfaces. Mostly, the bacteria live on our skin and are harmless. The problem arises when the skin is broken or cracked. When that happens, the bacteria can enter the wound and can cause an infection to occur. Signs and

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