
Healthy Heart Franklin TN

Heart Health For Kids

Many parents wonder if they should be concerned about their kids’ heart health. They assume children are too young to understand what it takes to maintain a healthy heart, and there will be time to address that issue as their children grow.

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breastfeeding Benefits

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Many mothers choose to breastfeed their infants, and there are many benefits to choosing this route. While alternatives to breastfeeding certainly exist and are in some cases necessary for babies with milk allergies and other medical concerns, the benefits of breastfeeding are undeniable. If you are expecting a baby in the near future or recently

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Breastfeeding Tips

Celebrate National Breastfeeding Month With Us

August National Breastfeeding Month. According to the CDC, 77% of infants were breastfeeding as of 2013, and 49% of those were still breastfeeding at six months. Still, many infants aren’t breastfed as long as doctors recommend. At Pediatric Associates of Franklin, we want to encourage breastfeeding and answer your most pressing questions. How Can I

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Let’s live healthier, Tennessee is focused on helping Tennessee families make healthy lifestyle changes. Healthier Tennessee is a movement of people from all walks of life all across this great state banding together to improve our health. Healthier TN created Small Starts, offering free tools for a healthier you. Small Starts are simple, healthy actions you can turn

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What to do for choking baby

Emergency Tips for Choking

It is the goal of every parent to keep their children safe and happy. Most parents would go to great lengths to protect their children from harm, but, in some cases, it is unavoidable. Young children tend to have issues with chewing and swallowing as they develop those skills, so it is not uncommon for

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Breastfeeding - Franklin, TN

Breast Feeding Your Newborn

Breastfeeding is supported enthusiastically by parents and pediatricians. Breast milk is universally nutritious and agreeable. The encounter between mother and baby at nursing time is emotionally satisfying to both. In most nurseries, healthy newborns are allowed to nurse immediately after birth. We do recommend breastfeeding infants receive a vitamin D supplement.  Discuss this issue with

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Infant Nutrition Guide - Pediatric Associates of Franklin

Nutrition Guide for 6-12 Month Olds

The most important thing to remember when considering nutrition for your child is that children eat food not calories. Many parents make their job harder than it should be by forcing their child to eat either the “right” foods or the “right” amount. A parent’s job is simply to provide appropriate balanced nutrition which means offering the right foods not forcing them.

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Toddler Nutrition - Pediatric Associates of Franklin

A Nutrition Guide for Your Toddler

The most important thing to remember when considering nutrition for your child is that children eat food not calories. Many parents make their job harder than it should be by forcing their child to eat either the “right” foods or the “right” amount. A parent’s job is simply to provide appropriate balanced nutrition.

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Toddler Table Food Transition - Pediatric Associates of Franklin

Trouble Transitioning To Table Food

Leaving pureed baby foods and offering solids after 9 months can be one of the most fun parts of feeding children.  Some children have trouble making the transition.  Does your older infant (9 months and up) have these problems? Eating solids? Refusing the spoon? Immediately spitting out food? If your child is having these problems

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Infant Food Allergies - Pediatric Associates of Franklin

Food Allergies

Food allergies are more common in young children (five percent in kids under three years of age) than in adults and identifying potential food allergies is easier if foods are introduced one at a time. Food allergies present in a variety of ways from itchy rashes, to abdominal complaints (pain, vomiting, diarrhea), to swelling of the lips or mouth, or to life threatening reactions (more common with peanut or shellfish).

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Dr. Hood - Pediatric Associates of Franklin


"Dr. Hood and Nurse Kayla are WONDERFUL! All of our questions and concerns are quickly resolved."

- Sophia M.



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Acetaminophen & Ibuprofen Dosage Charts

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