Flu & Colds

Coronavirus Franklin TN

Coronavirus In Williamson County

CLICK HERE for a COVID-19 quarantine and isolation information from the CDC.   PUBLISHED – 2/23/2022 Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic For Children Ages 5-11 Pediatric Associates of Franklin is offering a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic on March 5th and March 26th from 8:30 am to 11:00 am each day for children ages 5-11. The vaccine is

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Back-To-School-Illnesses Franklin TN

Common (Non-COVID) Back-to-School Illnesses

Getting back to school is an exciting time of year for kids of all ages, whether they are going to a new school or being reunited with past classmates. Returning to class also means being in close contact with other kids allowing illnesses to spread easily. There are some common bugs that spread at the

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Traveling During Covid

Keeping Your Family Safe While Traveling During COVID-19

Updated May 24, 2021 As state economies begin to fully reopen, many families are considering their travel plans. Is it safe to travel on an airplane? How can you minimize the risk of exposure while you’re traveling, visiting attractions, or going to the beach? Follow these tips as you iron out your family vacation plans.

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Healthy Kids Williamson County

8 Ways to Protect Your Family From the Common Cold

Does the thought of winter bring visions of sick days to your mind? The common cold can last for 7-10 days and can quickly spread to other members of the family. When this happens, it can take weeks for the entire family to be healthy again. Avoiding the cold virus is the best thing you

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Kid Fever

Childhood Fevers

Fevers are part of childhood. The average child will come down with several viruses and fevers every year. Knowing what to do about a fever and when to call the doctor can give you peace of mind as a parent, and keep your child safe from illnesses and infections. Use this resource as a basic

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Flu Prevention Franklin TN

Tips for Preventing the Flu

Children’s natural inclinations toward close interactions with one another and their failure to wash their hands often is one reason why influenza begins spreading when kids go back to school. The flu can be harmful to children, causing mild to severe fever, chills, cough, vomiting, and diarrhea. As flu season hits its peak in October,

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Sports Physical

Ask The Doctors: What is impetigo and how do you get it?

What is impetigo and how do you get it? Impetigo is a superficial bacterial infection of the skin, typically caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria.  Breaks in the skin, by scrape, cut or insect bite, allow the bacteria into the skin leading to the infection.  Impetigo develops first as red bumps that progress to cloudy

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Pediatrician Franklin, TN

What You Need To Know About Pertussis

By Dr. Allen Peabody Pertussis or “whooping cough” is a contagious respiratory infection caused by the bacteria bordatella pertussis. Because of its subtle initial signs and varied presentation, it can be difficult to diagnose promptly. It can affect all age groups, but it can cause significant complications primarily with the newborn population. The disease has three

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Pediatric Associates of Franklin

Ask The Doctors – Allergies or Cold?

My 10 month old has a constantly runny nose.  Could it be possible that he has allergies instead of a cold? While not impossible, it would be unusual for your 10 month old to have allergies.    More likely, he has had a series of colds that have run together over the last 6-8 weeks

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Pediatric Flu Shot

Importance of Flu Shots

Influenza, more commonly known as the flu, is a viral illness that varies in severity from typical cold symptoms to more serious life-threatening problems, including vomiting, muscle aches and pains, and dangerously high fevers. The most common side effects are coughing, sneezing, fever, runny nose, headaches, and sore throat. There are several strains of influenza,

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Dr. Hood - Pediatric Associates of Franklin


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Acetaminophen & Ibuprofen Dosage Charts

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